And as it happens this would be entirley appropriate. On her rather errie website- full of dark colours and Gothic writing- you can choose to flick through either Birds, Mice, Other Mammals and Skeletons; she even has pieces called 'Bird-Pin' and 'Bird Shoulder Piece' which admittedly look like roadkill simply scooped from the road, and attached to a necklace. 'Sparrow Brooch' is equally as alarming, once again appearing as if the small bird has been snatched from it's nest and strangled by a chain.
But wait for it. There's Kitten Rugs, which are equally as brash; both stretched cats look as if they've been peeled from underneath a tyre and simply stuck on someone's carpet.
Despite this supposedly being a serious art, I did happen to laugh uncontrollably at most of these pieces. Judge for yourselves......click here to see.
In my opinion this picture reminds me of animal abuse!